
Faculty of business studies Vršac

Faculty of business studies Vršac

The Faculty of Business Studies enables you to gain knowledge, develop business skills at all levels of higher education – applied business studies, undergraduate business studies, graduate studies (master) and doctoral studies.

All the study programs are accredited, confirming the quality of education at our university. We place great importance on the quality of our work, therefore we are certified by the American agency AQA, along with ISO 9001 standard.

Dear students, colleagues and friends of the Faculty of Business Studies,

Thank you for showing interest in studies at the Faculty of Business Studies. The Faculty enables acquiring modern knowledge in the field of business economics and management.

Like all our students, we will respect you if you show us your trust and allow us to play a key role in your further education. We will treat you as partners in a joint venture that has the same goal: the quality and applicable knowledge and skills you acquired will qualify you for a good job, and that is the best recommendation for our faculty, for generations to come.

Faculty of Business Studies in Vrsac offers a contemporary system of studying in the field of business economics and management. Students gain knowledge and skills essential for the processes of rapid changes in business environment, implementation of modern business methods and organization of economic activities. They acquire comprehensive, integrated and practical system of knowledge in some scientific disciplines and fields, which is necessary for all levels of management and decision-making in business.

The following accredited study programs are conducted at the Faculty of Business Studies:

  • Undergraduate Business Studies:

Business Economics

  • Graduate Business Studies (master):

Company in International Environment

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All information about exams, tests, results can be found on our specialised student portal.

Why should you choose Faculty of Business Studies in Vrsac?

The Faculty of Business Studies offers a contemporary system of studying. Students gain knowledge and skills essential for the processes of accelerated technological development, rapid changes in business methods, procedures and economic activities, aiming to maximize the profit of their enterprises. Students learn how to apply the scientific and professional achievements to perform various tasks in commercial, financial, accounting, marketing and other sectors in an enterprise.

The Faculty of Business Studies in Belgrade is accredited and it is an integral part of the higher education system of the Republic of Serbia.

The Faculty for Business Studies aims to help students acquire the fundamentals of theoretical and practical knowledge about business economics and business operations; theoretical and practical economic categories in the fields of microeconomics, macroeconomics, marketing, management, business economics, accounting, finance and banking; solve business problems analytically and become qualified in the field of corporate management.

The following accredited study programs are conducted at the Faculty of Business Studies:

Undergraduate business studies Business Economics

There is one study program in the Faculty of Business Studies in Vršac – Business Economics. The faculty is accredited for the teaching of four-year academic studies. Upon finishing the studies, an award title bachelor of applied economics is received. Employment opportunities are enormous, both in the private and the public sector. The degree of the Faculty of Business Studies is valid in Serbia and abroad. So far, our students have been successfully employed as professors, financial accountants, state auditors, financial analysts, tax inspectors, managers.