FBEV Undergraduate Academic Studies International Business Economy

Study program International Business Economics is a type of high education which is offering applicable economic knowledge and skills in practice of international and home companies. The program is representing the reply to the dynamic changes in international business surrounding, to the needs for new competences, knowledge, but also skills that are expected of economics from the enterprises, economy and state institutions. Program is based on existing currents of development of economic sciences and profession both in international and home region. As such, it is helping further development of economic science and profession and strengthens the bond of education and economy, science and practice between Republic of Serbia and other countries.

The mission of this program is to be the answer to the growing challenges of globalization and financial integrations. Economy of Serbia from day to day is becoming more and more a part of global economy, both from the view point of international trade, and the viewpoint of international business relations. On micro and macro levels, in the sector of economy and international organizations, human resources which will, on adequate way, be able to answer to the new challenges of global economy and business, are needed.

Goals of study program are enabling to give students the basic and specific knowledge, through good quality of science-educational process and with competent teaching staff, that will give students the opportunity to reach their personal goals and, at the same time, to open the door for further process of science and professional specialization based on Bologna process.

Professional title: bachelor of economy
Number of ECTS: 240

Mikroekonomija 10
Engleski jezik 1A 4
Statistika 7
Engleski jezik 1B4
Poslovno pravo6
Osnovi međunarodnog poslovanja7
Engleski jezik 2A4
Izborni predmet 1. (bira se jedan od dva):
-Međunarodni marketing
-Menadžment operacija
Javne finansije9
Ekonomija regiona sveta 8
Monetarne finansije i bankarstvo
Engleski jezik 2B4
Analiza poslovanja9
Organizaciono ponašanj8
Berze i finansijska tržišta 8
Izborni predmet 2. (bira se jedan od dva):
-Ekonomija prirodnih resursa
-Interkulturni menadžment
Međunarodne ekonomske organizacije 9
Uvod u međunarodne odnose
Izborni predmet 3. (bira se jedan od dva):
-Osnovi tehnološkog menadžmenta
-Marketing logistika
Uvod u strategijski menadžment8
Upravljanje projektima i investicijama8
Izborni predmet 4. (bira se jedan od sedam):
-Strani jezik za ekonomiste 1A
Nemački, Italijanski, Francuski,
Španski, Ruski, Japanski, Kineski
Izborni predmet 5. (bira se jedan od dva):
-Poslovne komunikacije
-Odnosi s javnošću
Osnovi elektronskog poslovanja6
Strani jezik za ekonomiste 1B
Izborni predmet 6. (bira se jedan od dva):
-Poslovna etika
-Kultura menadžmenta u organizaciji
Završni diplomski rad10