The Ministry of Education Science and Technological Development has gotten an offer for schoolarships from the Government of the Republic of Korea.
The scholarship is intended for postgraduate studies (master and PhD studies) and postdoctoral studies, for 2019. All the citizens of the Republic of Serbia that have finished the previous level of studies (for master studies- finished undergraduate; for PhD studies- finished master studies) may apply. The application process is divided in phases, where the first phase is the selection in the embassy of the Republic of Korea in Serbia, and then the applications are taken by the National Institute for International Education (NIIED), that further makes selection of chosen students. The duration of the whole program is 3 years for master and 4 years for postdoctoral studies.
Filled documentation for this program, or the application in other words, should be sent to the Embassy of the Republic of Korea on the following address:
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
Miloša Savčića 4, 11000 Belgrade