Lecture “Ethics and Integrity in the Public Sector”


On March 19, 2019, we had the honor of welcoming the Belgrade Misdemeanor Judge, Oliver Ristanović, and the Misdemeanor Judge in Belgrade, Zoran Antić, to the Legal Ethics classes. The guests gave a lecture on ethics and integrity in the public sector.

The students in attendance had the opportunity to listen to a lecture that is compulsory for all public sector employees in the Republic of Serbia, to learn many things that appear in practice and to ask all who are interested in them.

The organization of this lecture was delivered by the Student Parliament of the Faculty of Law, on the initiative of SPPFMU President Radomir Popovic, with the support of v.d. dean and professor.

The lecture was attended by v.d. dean, Asst. Dr. Andrija Blanus and Dr. Slobodan Petrovic.