Megatrend University at the 19th FIEALC Congress in Szeged


Prof. dr. Prof. Dr. Slobodan S. Pajovic, Vice-Rector of Megatrend University for International Cooperation and Coordinator of the Latin American and Caribbean Sector (DEALC) of the Faculty of Geoeconomics as President of the International Federation for the Study of Latin America and the Caribbean (FIEALC) participated from June 24 to 28, 2019. year in the work of the XIX Congress of this Federation, organized by the University of Szeged.

Professor Pajovic spoke at the inauguration of the congress in the presence of high representatives of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Congrad County, Szeged City and Szeged University, pointing out that FIEALC is a flexible and tolerant scientific-academic federation that facilitates and promotes interregional dialogue in today’s globalized world uncertainty, tension and conflict.

At the FIEALC General Assembly, the current president, prof. Pajovic submitted a final report stating that during his two-year term, the Serbian presidency successfully innovated the structure of the FIEALC congress by introducing the Leopoldo Zea Award for young Latinos, as well as presenting lesser-known countries in the region. It was also noted that the FIEALC Scientific Forum was established under the Serbian Presidency and the first such forum was organized in Macau in October 2018. Finally, a two-volume monograph entitled “America Latina y el Mundo del Siglo XXI: Preceptions, Interacciones e Interdependencia” (2018) and a monograph entitled “Macao (China), Europe Sudoriental, America Latina: Una mirada hacia la viabilidad de la cooperacion triangular ”, which addresses the results of the discussion on tri-continental cooperation as a result of the first FIEALC Science Forum.

It is proud to say that Ruben Ruiz Guerra, Secretary General of FIEALC, also Director of the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Center (CIALC), the famous Mexican National and Autonomous University (UNAM), publicly highlighted the very successful organization of the 18th FIEALC Congress in Belgrade ( July 2017) by Megatrend University, pointing out that it was one of the most iconic congresses in Federation history. He particularly emphasized the creativity and effective leadership of the FIEALC Serbian Presidency and thanked him for his cooperation.

At the end of the General Assembly, Professor Pajovic solemnly handed over his presidency to his Hungarian colleague, Prof. to Dr. Andras Lenart.

The very successful participation of our University representatives ended with Professor Pajovic’s final plenary lecture on the topic “Existe el pensamiento latinoamericano? Un contrapunto desde los Balcanes. ”