Our student published the fourth novel

Stefan Sofronijević, a student of the Faculty of Culture and Media, Journalism, has just published a novel “Bezdusni”, published by Argus Books & Magazines. This is the fourth book of this very talented young author.

Roman shows a tragicomic image of the tragic period that foster today’s world. The novel’s story is based on a imaginary new scientific discovery. Namely, the surgical path removes the soul through the lens of the eye. In a satirical way, a magnificent invention is treated, yet there are some less magnificent consequences. One of the dramatic consequences is that, despite a successful grip, the patient sees the world upside down. Thence the incitement and struggle of the main heroes of the novel against the causes and the consequences of controversial scientific innovation …

Stefan Sofronijević was born in 1993 in Belgrade. He started writting during elementary school, and he published his first novel under the title “Samokorak” as a seventeen-year-old. His first debut was noticed by reviewers Petar V. Arbutin, Mile Acimovic Ivkov and Misa Lazar, who supported a young gifted author. In the meantime, he published novels “Zacarani krug” and “Eho mrtvog jezika”. Both of these novels came to a good reception and echo in the media.

The first presentation of Sofronijevic’s newly published novel is expected these days.

(The record is the joint work of students of the second year of journalism: Vanja Sinadinovic, Danica Stojanovic, Sanja Glisovic, Djordje Zivkovic, Ivan Zivanovic and Sava Bogdanovic.)