Duration: undergraduate business studies last for four years – eight semesters.
ECTS: 240 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).
Award title: bachelor of economics.
By completing undergraduate business studies students gain the following skills and competencies:
• using microeconomic analysis in business and determining the influence of macroeconomic elements;
•using appropriate skills for analysing and structuring problems arising in business and working towards their solutions;
• comparing and matching the results with the environmental analyses to determine perspectives;
• understanding up-to-date technologies and their impact on new and future markets;
• understanding practical challenges and applying entrepreneurship skill.
At the Faculty of Business Studies students are educated for the following professions: accountants, financial managers, financial analysts, business analysts, bankers, sales and procurement managers, project managers, marketing researchers, PR managers, business organizers and all other professions regarding business activities in an enterprise. The degree of the Faculty of Business Studies is recognized in Serbia and abroad.
Bulevar maršala Tolbuhina 8 (former name of the street: Goce Delčeva 8),
Student Service Centre: 011/220 30 25, 220 30 26