My name is Stefan Petrovic. I am 27-year old. I graduated on the Faculty of Culture and Media at Megatrend University, 2015, and I can say that this is the best decision I have made in my life. Considering that I spent a year at the state university, I can rightly and with experience to say that this private university is the best option.

I enrolled in 2011 at the Faculty of Culture and Media. From the beginning, the professors and the student service behaved professionally and with respect to each student. Colleagues from the student service was always there for me and helped me to solve every problem successfully. They are also very efficient and up-to-date in their work. Professors and assistants were always there during consultations, to help me, listen to me and give me advice. They always have time for students, even after the lecture. Every lecture was done professionally, and never bored. Depending on the lecture, each professor would add a joke or in some way make the lecture more interesting. What is most important is that they asked us to think with our heads. Each professor would appreciate if a student adds something to the subject of the lecture or tells his or her own experience or a story. The constant interaction between the professor and the student is one of the things I liked most. Assistant proffesors are always there to help and to explain everything to students if something was not clear in the lecture.

I would add that the organization of the Francophone Day is one of the best organizations at the faculty. With the support and organization of the professors Milica Miljus and Ljiljana Volf, these celebrations were an unforgettable gathering between students from all ages and college, as well as an opportunity to get to know the French culture and important guests who are present each year. I even participated after graduation. I must add that the professors, when needed, wrote me a great recommendations when I went to a master study in Rome. Whether by email or live, they found five minutes of their time to write a recommendation, and for that reason I am very grateful to them.

In the end, I would like to add that the diploma of Megatrend University helped me to enroll my master studies abroad and continue my path of intellectual development. Once again thanks to all the professors and I hope that our roads will be crossed once more.

Stefan Petrovic