Faculty of Biofarming is among the first higher education institutions to have accredited programs related to healthy and safe food production more than a decade ago. The accredited programs at all levels (undergraduate academic studies, graduate master and doctoral academic studies) offer the knowledge and skills related to contemporary trends supporting sustainable development.
Given the fact that agricultural production has a significant share in the emission of harmful gases, and degradation of natural elements important for the production of food (soil, water, air, biodiversity), students of Faculty of Biofarming can learn what measures and methods in production technology meet the basic principles in sustainable agricultural systems.
In order to modify production technology, which has a negative impact on ecosystems, it must be defined what needs to be changed. Therefore, we can say that, in addition to sustainable production systems, the students of Faculty of Biofarming are in the position to study the conventional systems that require modification in accordance with the form of sustainable agricultural production.