Professor Park is Professor at Free University Berlin, Founder of Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA); General Secretary of Global University Network (N.E.W.S.) Mr Park used to be the dean and vice president of KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), worked as the president founder of AAPBS (Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools). He was also a board member of AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and GFME (Global Foundation for Management Education). Professor Park received his doctorate at the University of Michigan in 1978 and has been working for KAIST since 1980.
He was an advisory consulting Professor for Samsung Group for 10 years including the companies like Samsung Corning, Samsung SDS, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (R&D Think-Tank). He was a member of Korean Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology and currently is a life-time member of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology.
For immeasurable contribution to the science, especially in the field of management and for successfully creating University’s strategies while working as Vice President for International Affairs from the first days since Megatrend University was established, Professor Park received an Honorary Doctorate by Megatrend University.